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Ask yourself why you would be followed. Tailing someone takes time and resources, and most local authorities won't waste time trying to tail average citizens. Private investigators and angry exes are a different matter. Before you start getting paranoid, ask yourself if you actually have anything to fear.Be aware. The main key to identifying tails is to stay aware of your surroundings at all time. Don't keep your nose stuck in your phone; keep your eyes up and monitoring the world around you. If you're not paying attention, you'll never know if you're being followed.Avoid looking over your shoulder. When you start acting suspicious, your tail will notice and either drop back or stop in order to try again later. If you feel like you're being followed, keep acting like you don't know.Understand how spy software works. Spy software is installed on a smartphone without the user's knowledge. It can then send back GPS location, phone conversations, text messages and more. It is incredibly unlikely that your phone has spy software installed on it by a malicious party, but these steps will help you make sure.Check your phone's behavior. Is your phone acting oddly? Is it lighting up when you're not using it, shutting down randomly, or making beeping noises? All phones will act oddly sometimes, but if this behavior is consistent then you may have spy software installed.

Soul Reacher

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